I know in my situation, my daughter was misdiagnosed due to rushed judgment. Like you, I have a sibling with ADHD. One thing that I would mention is that in cases where the child's symptoms are not a slam dunk ADHD diagnosis, doctors/psychologists will often suggest stimulant medication as a diagnostic tool. The thinking being that is if the child doesn't have ADHD, then they will not improve on the medication. I don't know if this is what your pediatrician was thinking? I was never ok with this. You should never medicate your child unless you feel there is benefit to be gained from them taking it.
If the school has completed questionnaires on your son, ask to fill one out too! If they don't allow you to, I would be suspicious. Most schools want parent input before making a decision regarding a child and offering them in school services.

As others have said, there is no need to quickly rush to judgment here. Unless your son is failing subjects, give it some time and do some research.

Last edited by kitkat24; 11/07/14 09:53 AM.