Ds9 was actually born with an eye (left), neck, and brain/head injury. His head was lodged against my rib cage for most of the pregnancy and severely restricted inside me since week 25 (I had a uterine fibroid then). He was born with severe plagiocephaly (flattening and facial asymmetry) and wore two helmets as a baby; we declined the third.

Three years ago, we took ds to a neurofeedback provider; she said ds had a severe TBI and didn't have ADHD, which others thought he had. Ds has been in/out of neurofeedback since then. He's also been on a restricted paleo-type diet too. Both have somewhat helped.

Yes, I believe that the TBI has affected my son and your son's brain development. Kids can overcompensate, often in what seems odd or unusual ways, with a tbi and their brains can go into overdrive as a result. And that's definitely been the case with ds and it sounds like with your ds too. Yes, a lot of creative people/geniuses have visual deficits; John Lennon is one example but there are many others.

Blackcat - what eye was affected? The left or right? That seems to make a difference with their spatial abilities. I've noticed that kids with right eye injuries seem better able to sit and play video games or it seems like that's the case with the people I know. My son had a left eye injury and seems better at mapping type skills instead.

My son had lots of trouble tracking, with depth perception, and body in space. He, too, can create quite elaborate building designs or recreations with his cardboard within minutes. At 5, I remember him picking up the word and concept of tessellation from watching PBS Cyberchase. He showed me how to do it with his cardboard blocks.