Yes. Been through this route. I've also written about my ds. He was born with visual deficits, severe SPD, etc. etc. etc. (laundry list). We knew about the visual issues and thus ds was in VT between 4-6 yrs old.

Last Dec, I took ds to another behavioral optometrist since we moved and for another evaluation/assessment. Well, lo and behold, ds scored in the 1% on a visual subtest. Same child who has scored in the 98-99%+ on WJ-III academic achievement and other tests.

So yes - DS has had convergence insufficiency, tracking problems, trouble with visually crossing the midline, and some cortical visual blindness. Laundry list remember.

And I'll point out that the visual deficit has created a visual spatial gifted child in many, many ways. Imo, ds overcompensated with his deficit and other issues and this created a spatially gifted 2e/pg child.