The hard part is separating a kid who doesn't like to write and seems immature because he is not being challenged from one who is truly young for his age. That is a tough one!!!

My own DS, FWIW, appeared to be very young in second emotionally due to a serious lack of motivation. School was definitely a social event and learning was non-existent. I even had his first grade teacher repeatedly come up to me after school and tell me that she was afraid he was falling behind because he had no interest in doing the work!! Of course he had no interest in doing it... it was way too easy. All of those issues, as well as the squirminess in his seat, improved greatly when he had more challenging material to work on.

I'm not saying you aren't right, Bianca. He could very well be a little on the immature side. But it could be a case of serious boredom. Engmom, does your little guy "light up" when he finds something challenging at home? Does he have a favorite subject that he loves to explore? My guy was constantly doing more advanced work at home that what he was offered in school, and would just shine during those moments. That might help you to guess as to whether he is bored and needs more challenging material, or if he needs some time to grow and development?

Mom to DS12 and DD3