My DD11 was the same - she was an early reader and capable of reading way beyond what she actually did. I tried to encourage and support her, and pique her interest, but ultimately nothing really worked.

Then suddenly at age 8, when she started grade 4, she became book crazy. She'd read at least one novel per night, sometimes two, depending on the length. She entered a reading challenge club at school and was the first student to finish reading all the assigned books.

I guess my point is that nothing I really did seem to make any difference - she just discovered the joy of reading on her own.

I wonder sometimes if access to so many other activities can distract and divert them. When I was a kid all I did was read, draw or play the guitar. Now they have so many other options at their fingertips to engage them.

Along that line and maybe worth noting is that my DS10, when he has his electronics taken away, goes straight for a book.