My DS had trouble at that age with the font size and lack of pictures in higher level chapter books. He was uncomfortable with smaller font, and it wasn't a vision thing. It was age appropriate even though his skills and knowledge were not. And the picture thing, he both liked pictures and like the way it broke up the page. Plus, the concepts and humor get more complicated. I was shocked that my DS liked the captain underpants books, but he liked them because even with his big reading skills, he found them funny. I ended up banning them and he didn't disagree because the story really couldn't hold him. If the monotony of plain chapter books is an issue - try the Kate klise regarding books - fabulously funny stories and really interesting to look at.

When DS was really little and reading way ahead I was in a library and saw a sign that said just because they can read doesn't mean they don't like to look, so I have always tried to bring in a wide variety of types of books to read - no real downside to it. Sometimes I tell him he is "testing" the picture books for gifts for nieces and nephews.
