Time Warp Trio, A to Z mysteries....also chapter books that can be read in one sitting.

I just thought of something. I often put a book down and think I can remember that I was on page 198 or just starting Chapter 33 and forget by the time I go back to it. I did start modeling for my younger son (when he was younger) who was always afraid of losing his page...how to skim the first page of each chapter (starting close to where I thought I was) until I ran across the chapter and then skimming that chapter to find the right page and then re-reading a page just to remember what was going on when I left off.

Also, sometimes my dh and I would take turns reading a chapter out of a book alternating nights. We started asking ds to "catch us up" because we missed the last chapter when it wasn't our turn. This helped him learn how to summarize a chapter but also so that he could see that putting a book down was okay, he learned that he did have the ability to recall what was read the night before. And if he couldn't remember the parent that night would read the first page and ask if it jogged his memory and usually it did.