DD9 has always played with as many boys, as girls. She has many interests, though, that more boys have seemed to gravitate towards (space, messy science projects, insects, dinosaurs) - but then, she likes things that are "cute" too (puppies). I think she's lucky, as she always seems to be able to find SOMEONE to play with, if she chooses (she is also pretty outgoing).

DD is either oblivious to, or ignores the girl drama - I haven't figured it out (but I hear about girl drama from other moms and am always surprised DD doesn't seem to worry about ANY of it). Maybe this isn't a bad thing?

DS6 is much more quiet and more of a "follower." He definitely prefers to play with boys (but he's also at that age where it seems boys and girls start to prefer their own gender for a while).

BOTH of my DC love Minecraft and Legos.