Again, we are not homeschooling.......yet.
My DH was convinced the girls would be ready to go to college and somehow we would suddenly find that they didn't know anything.
My style is exactly like yours!

I am strict with behavior issues: ie being rude, torturing your sister, language, respectful attitude towards adults, etc.
However, when it comes to school/homework I feel the kids do better when they "buy in to it". "Because I said so" just doesn't fly. I'd rather they spend their energy and intellect productively completing something because THEY have a reason to, rather than spend it creating subterfuge to my homework expectations.
I have been accused by one particular mom of: Having no control over my kids. However, that particular mom is eerily similar to the Chapman mom I just read about.
I think my husband misinterprets my style just a little bit. But he trusts me. When I showed him I could administer the IBTS at home every year to gauge their progress(That's just what the school does!) He said, fine, go for it.