I agree that the double-work thing is NOT okay! Dottie and 'Neato are right: if you stay with the school, fight that hard!
We're homeschooling. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have if I can, either here on the public forum or in a private message. A number of us are in the HSing boat.
On the bright side, HSing a GT child is really pretty easy most of the time, since they're little learning machines. And since they learn things so much faster than most other kids, you don't have to spend a lot of time on school, so there's time for lots of interesting extras like forign language, music lessons and sports, while still giving kids time to play. If you find the supports you need (HS groups, childcare, forums, etc.), it can be a really good solution for a GT child.
And it is perfectly acceptable to HS one child while having the other in a traditional school situation. If your son is well-placed, then don't feel like you have to pull him out. I sure wouldn't!
If there's anything I can help with, let me know.
