Thanks, MoN. I'm told DD is a dream to have in the classroom, so I'll have to carefully approach explaining the poor fit, lest they blame her unhappiness as expressed at home on that environment and suggest we take notes from them!

I've learned, to my great surprise, that our provincial education authority fully supports acceleration for gifted students and says so on its website. A nearby district also has a well-developed gifted program, featuring curriculum compacting, but only starting in high school. We're at a private school which is more academically rigorous than the public system, and I expect they will use that as a reason to dismiss this information.

I've been going back through everyone's responses to prepare my pitch (thanks again) and realized I never did post the scores that led to my question. In case that affects anyone's advice, DD's FSIQ is 99.7; GAI 99.8 (VC 99.9 and PR 99.7). Her WIAT total achievement was SS 135/99%ile (oral 139; written 124; math 120).

I've decided to hold on to the results until our eventual meeting. DD6 has been prepared for the very real prospect of not skipping (she asked to change schools!), but assured that we will be vigilant about her needs being met, and that we will use this next year as the foundation for whatever she will need the following year. And now I have over a month to stew and much for summer vacation!