I'd suggest also bringing any examples you can that illustrate where she is performing academically now vs grade level curriculum for first ( and beyond) grade levels in math and reading/writing. the other thing I'd recommend is to think through every possible objection you can imagine the school staff putting forward as a reason not to skip and have an answer to that question already prepared.

This is totally just gut feeling on my part, but in my experience, teachers reacted more positively to actual examples showing where an individual child is at rather than research/opinions/etc from recognized experts in the field of giftedness. Having done the research will help you tremendously in forming your opinions and giving you solid background for making your request, but passing out copies of A Nation Deceived wouldn't help much (here) unles the staff was already firmly interested in providing a differentiated education. BUT... That again is just my experience where I live!

Good luck with your advocacy - let us know how it goes!
