Originally Posted by aeh
Originally Posted by geofizz
aeh, can you cite the research that supports 1-2 days per week efficacy for OG?

KJP, I wouldn't talk about achievment levels with the tutors, but instead to address those phonological skills that he must learn, and by nature of his dyslexia, he's unlikely to learn through standard educational practice. Because of his cognitive abilities, he's going to move through those skills faster than most kids starting at this age, but he still needs to develop these skills. His dyslexia means that he will need to be taught those skills instead of absorbing them through exposure to text as many students do.

It's pre-publication work from a poster presentation at the last national school psych convention. Both authors are from UMN, and the first author is affiliated with this reading research group at UMN:


I certainly wouldn't recommend that 2x/wk be the standard protocol based on one research study, but I think it is enough data to say that 2x/wk over the summer is likely to be sufficient for maintaining a student's progress over those two months.

Thanks, aeh! I will look forward for it to be published. Indeed, knowing that 2x week over the summer can help a lot of people that pick up the slack out of pocket over the summer.

KJP, you seem confident in your path, but if you find yourself doubting it, there is a significant literature that these therapies not just teach the skills, but also change the functioning of the brain as a result, something that is retained once therapy is concluded. My DD's school psych forwarded me a long list of citations backing this up. I'm happy to share if you are interested in reading more. (I'm a original literature person - I find the books written for parents/teachers frustrating reads.)