Sounds like you have gotten great advice from all, but the one thing I would add is that my biggest regret is not doing Lindamood-Bell in Kindergarten/first grade when it was first recommended b/c he was "ok" and still ahead 1 1/2 grades. We waited until mid-2nd grade when he had stagnated his learning and hadn't moved a reading level in over a year. The beginning of 2nd grade was a complete mess with his frustration, anger etc. b/c he couldn't "get it" and was acutely aware that the beginning of 1st grade he was in the "highest group" and now he was close to the bottom. The intensive program made a world of difference for him (he even admits that it was worth the time) and now he is focused, reading, learning etc. etc. I have nothing but good things to say about the program. As a working mom too, the one thing I would make sure you do is have both you and whoever helps him with homework him after school go to the weekly meetings and the end of the year. Continuation of the program is as important as the intensive remediation and if its a seasonal clinic, you will have to do it at home (its not that hard, you just need to learn the key words to use with him). I hope its as successful for you and your DS. Good Luck!!