Originally Posted by polarbear
And yes, as my ds' mom - no matter how happy I am that my ds is self-confident and self-accepting and ok with the world - I still get angry about it sometimes. There's no getting around it - having an LD takes away a huge chunk of time from childhood that I wish could have been spent on just being a child. It also re-wrote how I spent my time as a parent - those "What to Expect When You're Expecting" etc books never include planning ahead for advocating against a brick wall. So yeah... um... if *I* could have changed his childhood, yes, I would gladly take away the dysgraphia! But really that sadness didn't stay for long, and the times I feel angry about it are just fleeting, and I try to use the energy from those feelings to help make the path a little easier for the 2e kids coming down the line. Not that there's much time for that - sadly school advocacy is still taking up too much of my time!

This. I sometimes dream of what it would have been like to have a child who didn't need as much support from me.