On the WRAML-2, what does all over the place look like? Did he do differently on verbal vs visual, immediate recall vs delayed recall vs recognition? Contextual vs isolated? Any effect from repetition? It may be that there really is no clear pattern, but often it's just a more complex pattern than is immediately obvious.
If you want to pursue more testing, you could have some executive functioning testing done, such as the DKEFS, CATA, or CCPT (the latter two are in the Conners family, but are direct computer-administered measures, rather than rating scales).
Thanks for the test names.
WRAML-2 results: (everything is in percentiles)
Verbal Immediate Memory 50
Visual Immediate Memory 88
Concentration 12
General Memory 47
Verbal Memory Tasks
Story Recall 50
Story Delay 37
Story Recognition 91
Word Learning Recall 50
Word Learning Delay 75
Word Learning Recognition 16
Visual Memory Tasks
Design Recall 91
Design Recognition 9
Picture Memory 75
Picture Recognition 63
Concentration Tasks
Numbers 75
Sequences 16
So while his overall visual was higher than the verbal there were still big ranges in the tasks. The story recall/delay/recognition pattern was opposite of the word learning recall/delay/recognition pattern. There was a paragraph in the report summarizing the results but it didn't really do much other than state the above results and I don't see any true insight or recognized pattern either (but I also have no expertise).
He doesn't like things that he views as repetitive and boring (especially when we tested at 6.5 years old). Give him a challenge and the kid will sit there for hours but good luck getting him to do something he considers boring. Needless to say school is fantastic (where's the sarcasm font). He is getting better at doing some of it but his grades/work rarely reflects his intellect or knowledge. He just can't be bothered to show them what he can do (and at times he is held back by his processing speed and working memory weaknesses) which leads to them refusing to do anything for the gifted side because they want him to do 10 sheets of the grade level work first. It is fun.