First off THANK YOU!!!! Knowing DS that all makes a lot of sense.
In the attention/concentration area, Number Letter is a verbal task, similar to digit span on the WISC-IV. Finger Windows (I assume that's what Sequences is) is a visual-spatial working memory task. Can you double check the index and subtest scores for Attention/Concentration? They don't make sense together.
Interesting, in the WISC-IV his digit span was 50th%tile. He basically didn't do the trickier part of that test (sorry trying to be vague so I don't reveal details, hopefully that makes sense). I don't know if that is because he didn't understand or if he found it too hard and opted to do them the easy way. I double checked all of the WRAML numbers and that is what I have in my report.
I would imagine that he does well when he can make connections between skills and concepts, but not so much when factoids or skills are learned in isolation. (read: personally irrelevant)
YES!!! Now if I can just figure out how to make school not 95% 'personally irrelevant' to him