Yes, that is the picture concepts subtest. And yes, please don't post information about actual test items, as they are a) copyrighted, and b) may compromise test security. Although this particular subtest is not actually about picture identification, so may be at slightly less risk.
The WISC-IV was published way back in the dark ages of 2003, back before iPhones and iPads, and when Blackberry still seemed like a viable product. Item tryouts probably started at least two to three years before that.
And this will soon be a moot point, anyway, as the WISC-V will be out this fall. They have updated the pictures. I didn't look at every item, but I know they did do some significant updates, both to individual items and to the structure of the test. The major ones being dividing perceptual reasoning into visual-spatial and fluid reasoning, and adding new memory tasks. It's supposed to have a better ceiling, so hypothetically should have better utility for the upper extremes.