We learned to keep an eye on the curriculum four to six grades up after that first year, because she had
inadvertently chosen literature selections which were assigned in later grades.

We also realized that in so doing, the school was frowning at us and assuming that WE were the ones doing it on purpose-- for what reason I'm not sure, but anyway. This is why my DD wasn't
allowed to read some novels until they were assigned in High School literature classes, though-- because we had learned that they wouldn't flex around those fixed assignments, so she'd only wind up reading it more than once.
Seriously? I reread books for assignments all the time in junior high and high school, and even earlier than that. I didn't mind it, and no one else seemed to care. I did have my 11th grade English teacher use my having already read something - I think it was Pride and Prejudice, maybe? - to have me do independent study of some other book for him, but I realized years after the fact that that was actually to get me out of the classroom and reading more appropriate literature. (He kept me doing the independent study after we were done with that book, for the rest of the year. I thought at the time I was getting away with something. It was an awesome year - I read George Bernard Shaw, Dickens, and other great literature, at my own pace instead of the glacial pace of the class.)
Yes-- the problem is that in the "second" reading, it's slower, and the assessments tend to be quite shallow and CLEARLY intended to be completed in "as you go" fashion. So not only was it done at an agonizing pace, it was rehashing of the Captain Obvious aspects, only done in a discovery-mode with questions intended to get students into "predictive" mode as they read-- obviously not something that you can do very well if you happen to have, say, already seen how Othello ends.

So with a few things, we deliberately told her "no-- wait until you see it in class," because we didn't want to put her through that if we could see it coming. I mean, there's plenty of great literature out there. No problem if I say "Not yet" to
To Kill a Mockingbird and offer something else instead.