ok, aeh, that is beginning to make sense. Somehow I always thought EF and ADHD were the same thing but this sounds like the problems she has:
Planning projects
Comprehending how much time a project will take to complete
Telling stories (verbally or in writing), struggling to communicate details in an organized, sequential manner
Memorizing and retrieving information from memory
Initiating activities or tasks, or generating ideas independently
Retaining information while doing something with it, for example, remembering a phone number while dialing
But in addition to the ratings scales I've now filled out three times, she had these tests to check EF this spring. These look like ok scores to me, are they the right tests?

Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System
Trail Making Test
Visual Scanning 13
Number Sequencing 10
Letter Sequencing 13
Number-Letter Switching 13
Motor Speed 11
Color-Word Interference Test
Color Naming 11
Word Reading 11
Inhibition 11
Inhibition/Switching 09

Conners' Continuous Performance Test (no score - is this a test that creates a score?)
"High number of commission errors and atypical detectability but typical response style and did well at shifting response speed...not indicative of attention problems"

As for multiple spellings, until this year she never seemed to know what the real spelling was. Now she seems to know but not have enough attention to notice when she misspells the word (because she's busy writing), and she can't proofread for spelling. I can tell because her handwriting and her spelling go downhill at the same rate when the idea complexity goes up. I'm convinced the phonological processing needs a good hard look in the context of her overall ability, just need to find the right person to do it.