I have posted this article on here before but it's germane to this thread. Here is another story of child-find gone wrong, very wrong:


I have personally talked with these people. I am facebook friends with the mom in this story. It is a true story. They are in a school district close to me that is a very wealthy district and suppose to be an excellent district.

In my experience, with my school district, they do not seem to like to find 'learning disabilities' - they don't like things like dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc. They REALLY do not like writing disabilities at all and seem to go to to great lengths not to identify them or deal with them. They do not understand the behaviors that can result from LDs and they have little to no understanding of dyspraxia. Even though it is blatantly clear my son has dysgraphia and I specifically requested he be looked at for dyslexia and dysgraphia last year, the school gave him an IQ test and a bunch of adhd evals and tests. They seem to "Child-Find" with ADHD and Autism but not anything else. They seem to want to push any kind of problem into one of those two boxes. I think my school is good with those issues - people in the autism community are generally happy with our school. But having a kid with a writing disability, my experience has been really really bad. And the school would never identify it or test for it.

Last edited by Irena; 05/16/14 05:27 AM.