[quote=polarbear]Just another thought for you - since this is something that has just started - is it possible that anything at preschool has changed that coincides with your dd being sad and saying she's bored? I would try to find out some more specifics from the staff and also think through whether or not there have been any changes, simply because one of my dd's had some difficulties in preschool and her way of describing what it was that she didn't like about it didn't include details that were truly enlightening about what was really going on - and that I wish I'd known. When each of my kids was 4-ish they would use "I'm bored" or "its boring" as a reason they didn't want to do something or go somewhere specific when there was more going on than just boredom.
I have asked at kindy and basically they are saying nothing has happened and they do seem very open and proactive, have to admit the teacher seemed a bit miffed that dd could be bored and suggested she just couldn't articulate what the real problem is, which I find funny considering I get told on a weekly basis by the same teacher how articulate she is and able to express her feelings...