Hi all, my very outgoing confident and independent 4 year old has just started getting terribly upset at going to pre school (play based).She has been going there without issue for a year. She says there are no problems at school just that she is bored. I don't really know how she can be too bored as it is free play and the teachers are very interactive with the kids. I think she has a little trouble making friends and getting herself included in games, but then she tells the teachers that she prefers to play alone. I see this seems to be a problem across the board not just gifties - but wondering in anyone else has dealt with it.
I am looking at dropping her back to 2 days instead of the current 3 which may have been a bit ambitious on my part. Has anyone else had their child complain about boredom in a free play environment? I will add, although a particular teacher never seems to mind it does appear my dd clings to her all day and has made her the playmate. The teachers are at great pains to tell me when dd has made a friend or joins in a group activity.
as a side note - I won't take her out completely unless it's to send her somewhere else as home schooling won't be a long term option and like it or not she will need to learn how to fit in with her peers for school next year...