Originally Posted by NotSoGifted
The program looks great and there is one nearby, but I would hesitate to send my kids as I don't think they have disabilities that would interfere with the ability to ride a bike. Sure, they aren't very coordinated and they kind of run funny (sent them to speed and agility training to correct that). However, judging from the things they can do, I think they should be able to just figure it out. It does cause issues for them, especially DD16, since it is rather embarrassing to admit that she can't ride (DD18 can ride on flat surfaces without a lot of turns). Any suggestions for older kids that can't ride?
What causes the problem, balance or coordination or just practice?

I would make sure the bike fits. Bigger wheels are easier to balance. But if the bike is too big it can be uncomfortable to ride. Just like a lot of other things, a lot of practice. Is your DD going fast enough, it's hard to turn if you are biking too slow. Another idea would be to see if you can rent or borrow a tandem bike, and have them ride on the back to get used to how it feels.

My DD can ride, but I was never comfortable enough with her riding ability to push her to ride to H.S. on her own. She can ride, but her balance was never that great. On the other hand my son now rides that 2 miles, back and forth to school on his own everyday. He loves the independence.

Last edited by bluemagic; 05/14/14 05:30 PM.