I agree with Chay if it works for your child to try a balance bike. We were lucky and our DS doesn't have motor issues. He started on a balance bike at 2, was riding a 16 inch at 4 and just graduated to a 20 inch mountain bike with gears at 6. I am giving all of the credit to the balance bike!! He was a cautious kid, but the amount of confidence he built with the balance bike was amazing! You could, literally, see him beaming when he rode it. Very empowering! We never did a trike because it was SO not exciting or fast enough for him! We totally bypassed training wheels. The only problem he had initially with the 16 inch was not knowing quite what to do with the pedals. But he figured it out! Since your child is older, like Chay suggested, you could perhaps get an old BMX single speed bike and cut off the pedals. We have friends who are trying this with their 6 1/2 year old soon and I can update how it goes if you need it.

Good luck!