Chris, the conversation was definitely one sided. I did say a few more irrelevant (to the post) things like "yes, I understand", "that's great!" and "I know". I don't believe my dd is pg but it is a small rural school so it might not be too often that they encounter even hg kids. Dh and I have already decided that if we do send dd to public school, we should be ready to pull her out anytime it gets bad.

Zen scanner, I am hopeful but also apprehensive bcos of her last comment about being able to read her own math problems. I don't want them to use her relative weakness in reading to prove to me that she is not ready for advanced math. Maybe I should emphasize that if the school does offer any acceleration opportunities. Or maybe dd will be a fluent reader by September so this will be a mute point.

DeeDee your point is well taken. As a math person myself, I try to let the data drive my decisions at work but it is harder to do when it is about your child.

Masterofnone, you give me much hope! I would be delighted and pleasantly surprised if even half of what was offered to your dc is offered to mine.

Thanks everyone.