I homeschool him in the morning, he has lunch at home, and then goes to public school for "specials" eg gym, media, art, music in the afternoon.
When did you start this with your DS? Since I have never had a child in school, what grade is it reasonable to start the split day? I really like this idea and have no idea if my district will support this type of special arrangement but I suppose I could ask

if I could ever get a call back from anyone who knows anything

When DS was in Kindergarten our district still offered it every other day (they have since switched to only all day, every day). We took that option and homeschooled on the days off. He didn't learn much academically that year at school but he learned how to be responsible in a classroom, how to follow a schedule, and he made a few friends.
The next year he grade skipped to 2nd at a private school due to us moving temporarily. He went full days but we still tried to enrich at home.
This year (3rd grade) we moved back to the previous district and started half day homeschooling. The principal at his school is very accommodating, which is great. Our district is open to homeschoolers coming in for the subjects or specials of their choosing. Apparently the district gets funding for the percentage of time that each child is there, whether that is 100%, 10% or somewhere in the middle. We could have chosen to put DS in a class that had specials in the morning and then homeschooled in the afternoon but I feel like DS learns best in the morning.
I hope you can work something out with your district. Let me know if you have any other questions. Good Luck!