A little background. DD5 is more then likely PG. Recently we had a meeting with a well respected gifted psychologist and she recommended putting DD in kindergarten this year with absolutely ZERO expectation she will learning anything academic. The psychologist feels it will give DD exposure to other kids she doesn't currently have. I suppose this option would come with after-schooling which I am not opposed to at all. Currently DD is at about a beginning 3rd grade level math and a mid to late 3rd grade level reading. While DD is in kindergarten the psychologist recommended we research schools we feel may work for first grade.

Previously DD has been in a mixed age preschool and it came with mixed results. After we pulled her from that school it took months to work through anxiety behaviors.

Unfortunately, I currently don't see how enrolling DD in kindergarten is the best choice and I think I must be missing some perspective. I feel if a well respected gifted psychologist recommends an educational path and I am not sure, I must be missing something. My fear is the anxiety behaviors will come back and who knows what else and I really don't want to go down the anxiety road again. I know we can pull DD out of kindergarten, but I am on fence if the risk of anxiety behavior is worth the social benefit. I think the psychiatrist must have some perspective I just don't have right now - forest through the trees sort of thing. I ddin't discuss all the past anxiety with the psychologist, just mentioned it in passing and she seemed unphased. Also, just as a side note, I'd really prefer not to homeschool smile but I understand it may really be the most logical choice (path of least resistance I suppose). We are moving in a couple of months and school districts was not previously on my list of considerations. So I need to make a decision if we are going to try kindergarten or continue to homeschool. If we do homeschool there is a nice co-op where DD can take a few classes once a week. We cannot enroll in classes until the fall with the co-op.

As always, the ideas on this board are of such tremendous help, and any perspective you all have either way is greatly appreciated!