That said, would your school consider a grade skip? Our district is very willing (but from the sound of it not every district is).
I am reasonably sure that in order for a grade skip to take place the child must be in Kindergarten and then be "evaluated" by the teacher. I have all the necessary achievement testing and IQ testing to appropriately advocate for a skip, but I am not sure being in Kindy with zero expectation of academic learning is much different from first with the same expectation. I really feel success / failure will be so dependent on the children in the classroom and the teacher.
I had thought if I decided to put DD in Kindy I would not say anything about academics initially and let the teacher discover in his/her own time, or let DD drive in what she is willing to do and what she is not.
I homeschool him in the morning, he has lunch at home, and then goes to public school for "specials" eg gym, media, art, music in the afternoon.
When did you start this with your DS? Since I have never had a child in school, what grade is it reasonable to start the split day? I really like this idea and have no idea if my district will support this type of special arrangement but I suppose I could ask

if I could ever get a call back from anyone who knows anything
not all kids find school to be a good situation, especially if they feel they don't fit into the group or don't enjoy the activities.
DD was so excited to play with the other children, but didn't care to play the same games over and over (with out modifying the rules) and this lack of interest coupled with insufficient academic stimulation was ultimately the source of the anxiety. So if the academics won't be there, it seems it is really up to the mix of children and teacher. Ugh!