I think that social interaction is really important at any age, but there are a lot of different ways to get that. School works for a lot of kids because there are so many different kids to interact with and a lot of different choices for activities. That being said, not all kids find school to be a good situation, especially if they feel they don't fit into the group or don't enjoy the activities. I can definitely see why you would be hesitant to put her back into a situation similar to that which cause her so much anxiety. That being said, kindergarten may end up being a different situation than preschool depending on the teacher and the kids and their understanding of your DD. And, you now know what to look for as far as anxiety goes so that you can be aware earlier if things need to change.

Most of all, take into account what the psychologist says, but keep in mind that you are just as much an expert as she is and your thoughts are just as valid.

She thought she could, so she did.