Originally Posted by chay
"It's So Amazing" and "It's Perfectly Normal" are written by the same author (the second one is geared slightly older). There is also a third book aimed at younger kids called "It's Not The Stork"

I should also add that while DS wasn't awkward, at first it did take everything I had to not be completely awkward myself (not sure if I succeeded the first time but I think I am getting better) wink Good luck!
I also recommend the "It's Perfectly Normal". Sometime when my son was in 5th grade I took the book out of my daughters room and place it in my son's. With my daughter I read parts of it with her. But with my son I turn around and he is suddenly spending a lot of time in his room reading it. Didn't take him long to read it cover to cover. He had a few questions.. but he found it VERY interesting.