Please someone help... my DS10 is in public school, 6th grade. Tomorrow and thursday they are covering SEX ED in health class. The teacher emailed me the class handouts a few hours ago. He and the asst. principal have offered me the choice of letting him be assigned to alternate class or library during this time, if I choose.

There is a handout of male organ and includes arousal and wet dreams. There is also an a handout with illustrations and labels of the (internal) female reproductive system "after sexual intercourse". There is another detailed handout about the menstrual cycle.

Some of his classmates are 12, so they probably have some of this info already, or even some of the personal experiences. My son is 10. I thought this curriculum would come later.

I am widowed so I am taking on both parenting roles.

Have your gifted children had this level of detail in sex ed, at a young age? Any advice ASAP would be greatly appreciated. thank you.