At 5th grade this is not likely to be a full in depth sex ed class but rather a what is happening with the changes in my body. Talking about puberty and the changes in their bodies, and perhaps why this changes occur. Do they sex segregate the kids? In my schools this was done at a party with a same sex parent or adult. In 4th grade for the girls, and 5th grade for the boys. Honestly it was fairly lame IMO.
In my area the kids then get sex ed again in 7th grade science, and they have to take 6 months of health in H.S. that includes talk about STD's, birth control. IMO this is the right way to approach it. Sex ed is not one conversation, as the above poster said it's not and it's best if the information is gradual. Honestly the schools introduction is likely to be fairly tame and can be a good jumping point for conversations with you.
Sounds like you need to find out what is covered in this "sex ed" class. Personally I wouldn't keep my kid away from this class. This is important information that the kids need to know. You want to know they are getting this information from a reliable location and not the kids in the playground or at a slumber party.
Last edited by bluemagic; 05/05/14 11:25 AM.