Reading your post is very encouraging. Our younger daughter is 2e and was kicked out of her public school on a pretext -- overnight, when our rental house had problems and the city made us move. At 4pm on a Monday we received an email from the principal saying not to bring our daughter back the next morning. No goodbye to teacher or classmates -- just kicked out. There was no aggression, nothing significant, just a claim we had abandoned residency, which was false. She was in special education for autism, which is pricey, so any pretext will do. I thought of fighting it, but then figured, if they don't want her there, she's picking up on that, and we need to get her out of there.
It was actually a huge relief, because she was sick all the time, miserable, hated it, etc. Surprise -- she has not been sick even one time in six months since this happened. She is happy and laughing and cheerful.
The school district kept my older daughter, the perfect public school student for that school, though supposedly the same residency abandonment had occurred for her as well. Some kids started picking on my older daughter, and after the principal assured me that they did not have relational aggression at their school and therefore did not need a mean girl curriculum and did not need to take any action - I pulled her out, too, at her request.
I am not in a homeschooling groove yet. I am still working full time from home -- they would not accept my notice when I tried to quit and wanted me to work from home and I thought it would only last two weeks until I could find a private school. Oh you know, those wonderful private schools with openings in the middle of the school year who accept girls with autism on a moment's notice.
Right now, we are trying to move into a cheaper house to downscale to live on my husband's income so we can really homeschool both of them. I am facing that my younger daughter is not going to fit in at public school, and so what. My older daughter prefers homeschooling, so why make her go?
Just the relief of them not getting sick all the time from stress (and then having the administration be upset at us for poor attendance) has been huge. Seeing them smile and be happy together again is huge. Seeing them grow academically is huge.
Your post was just the encouragement I needed.