Also looking for ways of coping with and positively harnessing emotional intensity.
I agree with said. Adding, I wonder if identifying whether the struggle manifesting the nightmares is more closely focused on grand scale inevitabilities or a projection of those impacts on his life here/ now. Chewing on a Meta (e.g. awareness, cognition...) can yield considerable anxiety, and so can dealing with a dream immersing in illogical and amplified projection of tomorrow coming today. Does he have any experience with meditating (maybe visualizing putting his thoughts on a special shelf or in a box... in his mind) or clearing his mind through enjoyed activities requiring less thought than follow through? Maybe trying an exercise in mindfully putting his thoughts to rest after 20 minutes.. would be helpful in validating their worthiness for further contemplation while recognizing that e.g. catastrophic or evolutionary extinction is not a rapidly approaching event to navigate or perish today, and that he is not alone in his efforts to find a "solution" - that while he is resting his mind others are pursuing it.
And fully support HK's suggestion of Dr. Who.

Good luck and sweeter dreams