Ooooo-- I remember the human evolution one with DD around this age, maybe a little younger. She was seriously distressed to think that all of human civilization and all of humanity was... well... going to go away.

Two things helped her:

a) Doctor Who. (IMMV-- but this promoted a more positive 'futuristic' view that really appealed to her sense of justice, empathy, etc.)

b) pretending to be a tiny little purgatorius, looking around at the great achievements of human civilization-- Oooooooo the WONDER of it all....

This gave a hope that while yes, we're all sort of "in transition" as it were, it probably won't occur to our future offspring to mourn much in light of what natural selection offers them in the way of sheer GAIN on our limitations. Kind of exciting when you think about it!


Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.