All of the above (advocate, read, volunteer, music) plus research (about giftedness, etc) games, sports, puzzles. I'll admit, I like it when the gifted teacher gives the girls a new logic puzzle or sheet of perplexors to figure out because I like working them out too.

I still enjoy learning new things and now I can learn new things along-side my daughters. In the last year, we've taken up geology and entomology as a family. DD10 has always loved fossils, rocks, and insects, and DD8 has followed in her footsteps. Now we are taking a more educational approach to their obsession. They have learned that it takes effort and some research to actually figure out what the pretty rock is and how it was formed, or which family an insect belongs to, etc. I took a ton of science classes in college for my minor (including geology), but at that time I was more interested in biology and botany. So I've learned a thing or two since we started these projects. DH just sort of rolls with it, but boy-howdy you should have seen how excited he was when he found his first shark tooth (Ptychodus mortoni)!