DD9 was skipped a year and placed in the daily GT pullouts that together make up half her day, which claim to work another year ahead, for an effective 2-year skip. She sits in a normal grade-level class (so, 1 year skip) for the other half of the day.

In DD's case, sitting in her age-peer class taught her that she was undeserving of an education. She was caught between two of her fundamental personality qualities: her burning desire to learn, and her deep-seated desire to please. Her first need was not being met, which caused her tremendous stress which she did not release due to the second. The result was explosive behaviors at home, escalating into self-harm. Perfectionism, self-doubt, and task avoidance were rampant.

We yanked her out and homeschooled her in order to heal her fractured psyche, and we advocated for the grade skip (and eventually bypassed the school and made it happen without them) so she could return and have the social aspects of school she still craved.

After most of the year back in school, the situation is certainly much better, but by no means perfect. DD is still bored out of her mind for half the day.