I'm having my DD run through the math placement practice tool at the uni that she's going to be attending in the fall.

As long as she places into Calc 251, we don't really care HOW she does it, I think.

Obviously, we'll confirm, but this class is a mess, and in terms of high school rank, it can only harm her weighted GPA... and she certainly doesn't need the credits to graduate, since she's already WAY over the number of Carnegie units that she needs as of the end of LAST term, and is a full year over the math requirements too.

So we're looking at either dropping it entirely for independent study (which DD would like to do-- she's interested in LEARNING the material, but the course is a mess and it's serving as more of an unwelcome distraction and perfectionism trigger than anything else right now), or barring that, seeing if she can get a seat in the local JC's MTH112, or EPGY.

Yes, it'll cost us more $$ to do that, but at this point I simply do not care.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.