Originally Posted by Sweetie
Here is an idea....can you go to an office supply store and get a self inking stamp made that says...

scribe requested by ____________
scribing provided by ____________

And he stamps his work pages and initials the top line and the scribe signs the second line or he writes the word denied or none or draws a line or something.

I understand your intent Sweetie, and I'm not criticizing your idea, but I wouldn't recommend doing this. A student should never have to request the accommodations outlined in their IEP or 504 plan, and at the age of Irena's ds, they shouldn't even have to be making a conscious decision to use them - the school should be routinely providing them.

Originally Posted by Irena
I'd love to just send him to this school have in mind. It gets RAVE reviews. It seems transformative for kids with dysgraphia and dyslexia. The special ed attorneys I know say that is really where my kid needs to go... even for a couple of years.

Have you asked about reduced tuition? I suspect you're caught in the dreaded make-too-much-$ to qualify but it's something to consider. The private schools I've been involved with each had students attending at reduced tuition rates. I also wonder what the sped attorneys you know have to say about the probability of success in seeking an OOD placement - have you asked them what they thought? (No need to answer here, just thought it was worth discussing with them if you haven't already).

Best wishes,
