Originally Posted by DeeDee
Originally Posted by daytripper75
Thanks! I was just getting this vibe of the school feeling like we need dd to be ahead in math and that we are refusing to face facts that she needs to be put back a year.

It is very common for a 2e to be perceived as average, when he or she is anything but average.

Can you get detailed documentation and recommendations from the dev. ped and maybe approach the school about a 504? Having it all in writing helps everyone to see the same picture.

Originally Posted by daytripper75
DD does hold herself together pretty well. Her teachers all really enjoy her but I see academics becoming more problematic for her.

In what way? Because of boredom, inattention, both? Some kids with ADHD-i literally can't pay attention if they are not challenged.

I think it is inattention. I feel like her school is a good academic fit for her. It is a TAG school with multi-age classrooms. Lots of differentiation going on. She's a dreamer for sure!