My dd has not been doing well in math this year. She is placed one year ahead and has been since first grade. (This is the dreaded Everyday Math.) We got her a math tutor (the tutor is a dream come true, a cheerleader who is in calc and loves children and need community service hours.) and we've been working with dd on her math facts.
DD is also doing poorly in organization skills, keeping her spaces tidy, and in just sitting still.
I took her in for an assessment for ADHD thinking it couldn't hurt and it might give us some answers. Sure enough, they diagnosed her as ADHD- inattentive type I sent the paperwork into her school for the teachers to answer about her behaviors and performance. We got the paperwork back yesterday and she was mostly scored 0's which means not an issue. One of the 3 teachers who scored her said that she would benefit from being placed in grade level math.
I feel frustrated. It almost feels like the school is just trying to prove that dd is perfectly fine except that we are pushing her too hard in math.
Does anyone else have a girl who is compliant and a people pleaser who also has ADHD and can't focus?