You have some great advice here!

In hindsight I agree that play based learning is probably your best bet right now. it means that your child is having fun and figuring out things for themselves - in an academic environment they learn too quickly that this is moving too slowly.

On music - Aiden started piano at 3.5 years - I managed to find a traditional teacher who met him and then agreed to teach him. She was great at going with the flow and showed him the guitar, recorder, some drums and more over the 6 months he was with her. Then he started nagging for the violin - we stopped piano, took a 6 month break from lessons and then started Suzuki violin. now fast forward 3 years and all three of my kids (7, 5, 3) do suzuki violin and the older two do suzuki piano too. I love our teacher as she is gentle and kind and ALL about the original Suzuki concept of making beautiful people first and beautiful music as a result of that.

They are allowed to learn non-suzuki pieces, they are allowed to jump around to a certain degree (eg Aiden only wants to learn the piano pieces that match the book 1 violin pieces - he was already picking them out on his own so she is teaching them to him now. ) She also offered reading music as soon as she could see that he would enjoy it - but it's only there when he wants to do it.

We have always had an instrument box at home - with a host of percussion instruments, recorders, home made shakers etc.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)