My child loves music. Loves it. At 2, he really enjoyed the standard toddler music offerings for a few weeks. We tried both music together and kindermusic. About 3-4 weeks into each of them, the repetition got to be too much. They each pretty much drove the love of music out of him. Just too much repetition. After a break of months (is it really possible to deschool a 2 year old), he loves music again. When he is older, we will try one on one lessons with a fun professional adult, maybe something like School of Rock.

Just an aside, one private piano teacher I contacted after he turned 3 told me she would not take a child younger than 4.5 because it was not developmentally possible for kids younger than that to understand counting to five. Like many others here, that was something we passed before 1. I consider it a gift she was so honest with her preconceptions, it saved us a lot of heartbreak.

For us, exposure to instruments was key to restoring his love of music. We never pressured or told him to do anything, just have a little instrument corner. My husband and I can't play anything but by having a little piano around, my son has pretty much taught himself. I have no idea how.