I am going through the same sort of thing with my son, 11 yr old 2e. Teachers seem to always want to label what they know, ADD, ADHD is so prevalent. I am starting to think that many supposed ADHD kids really have other issues. My son is diagnosed with dyslexia and they have suggested ADD. He focuses just great on things he want to. Now reading and writing, he absolutely hates, so he doesn't focus great. I also am suspecting dysgraphia is part of that as well. I have no idea about the rest. There definitely are some processing issues that came up in the dyslexia diagnosis.

I am starting to only trust my own instincts too. I am really close to deciding to home school too. Instead of labeling, maybe they should try some environmental changes, like not expecting kids to focus without having brain breaks and breaks in general in between. Mix it up a little. I think some teachers are just boring to every kid. I know it is hard, but make it a little fun. Maybe lots of kids not focusing has to do more with the environment and not realizing that you have to present the material in multiple ways for multiple types of children.

My question is what type of professional have you found is the best at diagnosing? There are so many providers both inside and outside of schools. I don't trust all of them either.