My 2e/pg 8-yr-old (only child too) was misdiagnosed with ADHD. I've had two neurofeedback providers confirm and give me evidence to the misdiagnosis from my son's actual brain wave activity. I'm un/homeschooling him so I'm able to accommodate the neurofeedback appts and OEs and create an friendly environment for him.

My son also has sensory processing issues and visual impairments that made many 'experts' think he had ADHD when he didn't.

I'm sorry, but I don't trust anyone else's instincts for my son. The teacher may mean well and have good intentions, but I had many teachers tell me that my son had ADHD when he didn't. I'd say IF you have any doubts, please don't dismiss them before going down rabbit holes. Ask lots of questions and try to drill down what's going on - how is your son attention and behavior when he is doing something he enjoys vs. not. When are the times and moments when he really struggles, etc.?