DS24 used to ask endless why questions. Every car trip I would be peppered with questions. He was also really great at coming to the defense of others' bad driving if I happened to say anything. "They may be looking at a map, Mom," or "You should always be ready in case someone pulls out in front of you, Mom."

DS12 did not ask many questions at all, which really surprised me and misled me to think when he was in preschool and younger that he would be very happy but only slightly above average in intelligence. He seemed to be very interested in how things moved and worked in his early years. Then in preschool interpersonal dynamics began to interest him and at that point I guess the OE began to show.

He's now beginning to ask us the why questions and he's 12.

I always felt with him that when he was younger he just doesn't see us, his very bright parents, as adequate authorities on anything. haha!!

Last edited by KADmom; 01/27/14 06:39 AM.