DS 6, asked unending "why" questions that I used to think that my ears would fall off due to the high intensity of those questions. Now, for the past year, we have the "what is it" and "how does that happen" etc thrown in with equal intensity. Sometimes, I patiently try to explain every single thing that I ever knew on that topic. At others, when I get tired of talking and need a break, I ask him to first figure out what/how/why and come up with his theory and then I would help him out to check if his answer was on the right track or not. That usually buys me a few minutes of quiet time. And then , we discuss and analyze and find the correct final answer. DS is identified as gifted.
Today's "why" question was: Why does Michael Phelps not learn martial arts and compete in the olympics now and win 22 medals in martial arts? And that led to an hour's discussion on how supreme atheletes are talented in one field and how they train for a lifetime on every single aspect of their skill and how their bodies are primed for one sport and it is mostly impossible to switch from one sport to another later on in life for them and how there are a few exceptions and who they were etc. That discussion went into greater detail than I could provide - DS is making me better at googling for info