Originally Posted by aquinas
For example, for ages DS had zero interest in puzzles. Then, a few months ago, he started randomly doing 24+ piece puzzles when bored, and quickly (like under 5 minutes). Now he's totally disinterested in them again.

DD was the same way. One day, I randomly said, "Oh look at these poor (jigsaw puzzles) dinosaurs. They are broken into pieces. We should fix them!" She was into her vet kit back then so putting jigsaw puzzles together became performing pretend surgeries. Until that day, I thought she couldn't do jigsaw puzzles. She did puzzles off and on for 6 months so the stage lasted for a bit but now, she refuses to do any. With LEGO, she happily helps me build sets but what she is really into is modifying the sets after they are built and free-play. She says following instructions is boring and there is no point in doing lego if she can't use her imagination.

DD asks a lot of why questions but they do not pertain to scientific inquiry. She uses them to question our motives and our reactions as in "Why are you getting so upset? Go calm yourself down and think about the bigger picture." She is on a musical theater and LEGO phase right now so she hasn't been talking about science much lately but when she was, instead of asking questions, she learned what she wanted on her own and processed them by "teaching" me. We're trying to balance her learning style through music lessons and so far, it's been an interesting process.