Thought I'd update and say that things are going a bit better. I met with the 1st grade teacher and she is a very interesting person. She acknowledged that there aren't any other kids in the class on DS's level, which creates some problems. However, she is reading some really great books with the class--I can tell she appreciates good kids' books--and she is not making DS do the work that he does not need to do, such as computer time (phonics work that is too easy for him). She also has some really great writing prompts set up that were creative and funny. I could see her thinking through some things to make stuff better for him even as we met, so I think it's good that we talked. On DS's end, I was able to see work from when he started in 1st (just a few weeks ago) and now, and can see quite a bit of progress in handwriting and writing conventions already, which makes me think that he is really benefiting from the move. So, we will continue with it and keep checking in with DS. Further talk with him also revealed that he has a bit of an identity crisis with feeling like he isn't sure where he belongs, and also feeling like sometimes he misses fun things in both classrooms. Both teachers are now aware of this and will work harder to make sure he doesn't miss really cool stuff. The other good news is that the "numbers game" looks good for there to be a 1/2 split for next year. I was also told that he will be placed with other kids IDed as gifted next year and that this is a school priority. Overall, I am impressed with the school's understanding of his needs and desire to work with him. Though he still is not receiving work on his true level, I did not really expect this. They are trying.